Books and Seminars
This simple guide shows how to start building a secure financial foundation. Almost anyone can use these strategies for buying passive index funds, dividend growth funds, dividend reinvestment plans, robo advisors and real estate to build real wealth. Available on Amazon.
Written in 2009, this guide to financial markets is intended to help financial consumers have a better understanding of how financial markets work and the range of investment products and services available in the world wide financial markets. Provides a full overview of the financial crash of 2008-2009. Available on Amazon.
Family Financial Freedom is a Guide to gaining control over your money, and helps you make sense of what has become an increasingly confusing financial marketplace. Think of this as your road map to financial security, today and at retirement. Available from Fast Pencil and Amazon.
This highly readable guide provides college students and their parents with dozens of ways to make college a reality. Use enough of these tips, and you may keep college debt at zero. Start cutting expenses now using the practical tips to lower college expenses.
This e-book is available on Smashwords.

Really Simple Money
Available soon. This simple guide presents a approach for managing your money successfully. Regardless of your income now you can get on the path toward greater financial security.

Really Simple Investing
Available soon. This simple guide to investing presents readers with five really simple ways to get started with investing and over time build true financial security.